An acoustic guitar is a remarkable piece of engineering. And 'quite fragile at the same time, but also very strong. The entire structure is about the need to produce a good sound, while the force of about 180 pounds (800N), the tension of the strings, trying to form the head of the guitar body built on the exercise. As the successor of this physical tension has won the battle and then the guitar goes from difficult to impossible to play. This cantake a long time they occur, sometimes years, and we only notice if it's never too late to save the guitar. Only a guitar repair is expensive (if it is repaired) and will need a guitar expert seminar, usually at high cost.
Extreme temperatures and humidity on the bending nature to help in his quest, a guitar from the mold. The interior of a wood acoustic guitar is sealed. Wood absorbs moisture and give according to the environment in which they liveWeather is exposed. Wood swells a little 'when exposed to high temperatures and reduce a little' when exposed to low temperatures. Timberland also swell when exposed to high humidity and will shrink when exposed to low humidity. If you have high temperatures with high humidity or low temperatures and low humidity combine, the results are conflicting.
Humidity Control
When a guitar has to change in the environment, adapt to change easily, is the repeated changes of extremes that do notThe damage is so it is best to avoid extremes and repeated changes in temperature and humidity o. If you live your guitar in an air conditioned environment, then the guitar has a low moisture content, whether it is in and the warm, moist atmosphere will cause the wood will swell rapidly and when the guitar is then compared with the conditioned space, is once again losing moisture, then what the wood to shrink. If you do the opposite the same effect, except in reverse. Nor can fool you order your guitar in a closed car under the sun, as this increases the temperature of the guitar to extreme heights.
A game is to keep holding the guitar in his guitar case, said stable. I'm not sure of the value of this first thought of the guitar case would be completely airtight, so this works, and the second I would be very happy with the setup of a guitar that has a high moisture content in a case to guitar, because it would help to lock moisture in such a big concernincreases the risk of mold inside the guitar. Wood and not die all together.
Just be sensible and you will see a number of decades for a quality guitar.
Guitars and the harmful effects of temperature and humidity extremes
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