Thursday, July 7, 2011

Flea Control Strategies

Did you know ...

Or fleas spend only 10% of their time for your pet

Humidity Control

or average lifespan of a flea 'can be up to 2-3 years

A female flea can lay down or up to 1 million eggs during her life

or eggs in your carpet for up to one year of life when the environment is right for hatching unhatched

powdered bark, wood piles and ivy are ideal places for fleas to survive during the winter months

o The flea is the second oldest insect (the cockroach is the first) because of itsexcellent survival mechanisms

The flea life cycle

Adult cat and dog fleas prefer pets, rather than to feed people. Animals are closer to the ground and warmer than body temperature for humans. Especially infants and young children - Second choice would be to children. Female fleas bite and probe and an average of seven times in a "grouping" the first detection of a blood vessel in the skin. The saliva they leave with each bite can be a localized allergic reaction (flea allergy dermatitisor FAD, as we call it around the veterinary world.) After feeding on large amounts of blood, the female flea lays her eggs and droppings (flea dirt), mostly from the blood undigested. Both the eggs (which are white and the size of a grain of salt) and feces (which are in black pepper and appear often in the form of a comma) drop off the animal coat and spread through the environment.

Here's a quick test at home to see if your pet has fleas: Put a whitePiece of butcher paper and groom your pet for a few minutes, when they are on paper. See any black, comma-looking things against the white paper? If so, put a drop of water on it. If it is flea dirt, the water is pink.

Flea eggs remain in the environment for varying amounts of time and are not destroyed by extreme temperatures or pesticides. If the conditions are correct, the eggs hatch and leave little white grubs. These larvae are unable to move and mustrely on the blood undigested faeces left on their food source. The larvae are very vulnerable to extreme environmental conditions, pesticides and insect growth regulators.

Within days, the larvae spin a protective cocoon around themselves called dolls. The dolls are very resistant to cleaning all, but steam and dormant for many months or years. The doll is the first step, the winter environment. If conditions are favorable (warm and humid), the dollsThe young adult fleas released and the cycle is complete.

The duration of the flea life cycle can last from just over a month, to vary the tempo of two or three years.

Flea control products

There are many available products to eliminate fleas. They vary in effectiveness, application, safety, comfort, the smell of the product, and the duration of effectiveness. Sounds pretty complicated, right? It is. It is actually a chemical nightmare.

GOOD flea control program mustAll animals in the house and the whole environment in which the live animals (INCLUDING YOUR CAR).

Many people use only one product at a time that is not effective. You must treat the animal, the house and the yard at one time, get a grip on this challenge.

Control of fleas on the animal: You have your choice of powders, sprays, dips, spot-on, or growth regulators orally.

Flea: The manufacturers of these products say flea powder is safe to use every 3-4 daysDogs and cats older than 8 weeks old. The active ingredient, (the agent safer and more natural pyrethrins) takes about 15 minutes to kill the fleas when first applied. By the end of 5-7 days, if not reapplied, flea powder works only as a residue, which kill up to 12 hours for the flea. There is a regulator of growth in this product so that it only kills the adults.

Note: Powder should be diluted to half strength with talcum powder when they use puppies and kittens.

DisadvantagesFlea Flea Powder can feel the skin is rough and dirty. So if your pet is already uneasy about the fleas and now they are alienating them by not liking them, which she used to, when their coats were cleaner and softer, this makes the problem worse. The animals do not have fleas and dust can aggravate asthma.

Flea Spray: Spray may vary slightly. Most are alcohol based and some are more organic than others. Alcohol is for adults and faster than a murderpre-adult stages. Some flea sprays contain an insect growth regulators that kill flea eggs as well. Get into it with this. Animals run when they see you come with this bottle after a few applications.

The only time you spray for fleas, if I were treating a cat for ear mites (I spray some on a Kleenex and wipe his head down, after seeing the ears clean and adjust the two ear canals drugs.) They also use spray on my legs when I walk in the woodsTick ​​season.

So you could kill alcohol or vodka for the adults? Yes, but can be toxic with alcohol. Alcohol contains a bit 'of methanol, which can lead to blindness if swallowed. Cats are clean and swallow. If you use alcohol, stick with vodka or Everclear, but really is not very effective.

Aromatherapy: (. Of course, diluted) Herbal insecticides include pennyroyal (very toxic), clove, lemongrass and eucalyptus oil, which canmixed with shampoo or flea collar on a material. They can be very destructive if applied directly on the skin. They should not be drawn directly on the mantle, and because, if the animal is nurses themselves, they will take. In general, pets hate this type of flea control and only him in a kind of learned helplessness situation.

Flea collars are only minimally effective in the fight against fleas. Most collars containing dichlorvos, which is released as steam.They are sold under various trade names. Dichlorvos is toxic to animals and humans and can cause severe reactions occasionally. Think flea and tick collars 20 animals is not good for sterling.

Note: Collars are particularly harmful for Persian cats. They can also cause localized reactions around the neck.

Ultrasonic collars are ineffective and can lead to hearing loss in your pet. Ultrasonic collars are an expensive gimmick. The traps that.

Cali that kill fleas andMites for several days or weeks are highly toxic and should not be used for the routine use of flea control. One study found that more than 3 dives a year led to an increased incidence of cancer. Wear gloves, if you choose this method of flea control (although I have no idea why you have.) Try a non-organophosphate (COP) with a growth inhibitor to abolish it.

Pour-on and spot-on products that are also highly toxic organophosphates. Spot-on organophosphate kills the fleas only afterthe animal bites and sucks blood. These products are affected too dangerous for infants. Do not let a small child to be exposed to the animal for at least 24 hours after these products are used. I've heard of cases where the parents of a child found dead the day after putting up the family dog, the child is asleep. They are applied once every two weeks. A good rule of thumb is "if a bit 'is good, so is not necessarily better." Use only the dose specified on the bottle. DoYou know, the weight of the first dose. Note the following paragraph.

Common side effects to flea products may salivation, vomiting and diarrhea. Some animals seem to be foaming at the mouth, others stagger about. Your pupils dilate, and seem disoriented. The best treatment is to remove a product from the animal's skin or body. Wet your pet immediately - with a gentle shampoo NOT include flea control. Some animals may need to be treated by aVeterinarian with atropine or steroids to deal with the animal toxicity and in some cases help save their lives. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call your veterinarian.

A product on the market seems to work quite well and is very toxic. It is called Advantage. Advantage is a spot-on with a growth inhibitor that works for 3-4 weeks. Penetrates the fat layer of the skin. Should be applied after bathing, swimming leeches as the product of the skin.Advantix is ​​a formula for those who are employed in a brand. It 'pretty sure.

For dogs that swim regularly, this product can not be as good as others, such as Program. If the advantage does not work for you, you probably do not have a total flea control program for the treatment of all animals in the house, the premise spray the house, your car and treat the farm as well.

Every time I've seen locally advantage react with the skin causing the hair in this areafall, but it is rare.

Program is an oral product that contains growth inhibitors. E 'given once a month, and literally sterilizes the adult fleas, so that they can not produce eggs. It 'very safe for both pet and owner. The animals do not mind the taste, in most cases, and is very effective when used with environmental control. Some types of programs and a nematode, heartworm prevention and monthly (pyrantel). This product is particularly suitable forFlea problems of a large quantity and long-term maintenance. Not a good product for the pet flea allergy, but since the flea has to bite the animal or to take the growth inhibitor.

I am often asked about Frontline products. I must say that I have never tested the muscle that the product is safe for any pet. And 'certainly popular and sells like crazy (no port). You do not know why, but the Advantage program, and safer products seem the least likelyfor side effects.

Flea shampoos do not provide protection if they are washed away. They can provide temporary relief to kill (a couple of hours with severe infestation the environment), and fleas on the animal at the time of the bath. They dry well to get rid of flea dirt on the skin, but also the skin, and are not good for dogs with dry skin / oily or scaly skin / fat. It 'better to choose your doctor right shampoo for your pet in these cases.

Spray fleaPowder or advantage for the animal after the bath for longer lasting results. Any animal with skin disease should be combined with the flea problem with your veterinarian for appropriate treatment and recommendations regarding diet, shampoos and treatments to see.

I'm sorry to say that B vitamins, brewer's yeast, garlic, potatoes and citrus herbal flea collars kill fleas. However, we know that the bad smell of the skin, the flea and to discourage them. Scientific studies show a decrease of only 20% of the fleasThe numbers with the use of these products.

Note: Cedar shavings can be harmful to the skin of your pet. The tapes from the chip can cause skin cancer and incorporate (the same is true for rats too!). The essential oil of the wood is very toxic and is known to cause cancer.

Avon Skin-So-Soft is used alone as a deterrent for fleas and is Duo-Cide products. To use this product, add 2 tablespoons of Skin-So-Soft-capita pint of water in a spray bottle of glass. Shake well beforeUse every time - is an oil / water. Skin-So-Soft can make the skin oily and may need to wash your pet often, as the dust of this oil as a lighter. If your pet has an allergy, this would not be a good choice. The goal is to reduce exposure to the allergen on the mantle of allergic animals. This would help to keep your pet as pollen causes problems.

Flea combs are for animals that can not tolerate the recommended flea products. The challenge isthe owner with the comb as often as necessary to help the animals - every day. Grooming can be every two weeks, after no more fleas off comb for several days in a row. Continue to use the flea comb every day for the flea-allergic pets. Fleas must be crushed with a thumbnail, because they have hard exoskeletons.

Some flea combs are better than others. Try one that is stripped into adult fleas, flea dirt and eggs all at once. Buy These combs are also excellent in the prevention ofHairballs in cats (and comb out lice in a child's hair very effectively). Flea combs to comb their coats are no longer very easy - to bend and break the tips. I like the way imported from England. They have large palm trees and is able to handle the metal poles that can really take a beating (or care). Use flea comb to comb I have my winter coats on my pets. They cost about $ 7.00.

The care of the environment of the animal:

In general, the products can be used in environmenttoxic and longer than those that the animal can be used. Do not use these products directly on your pet or child if the bottle states it is as safe as possible (even then, I would have this question.)

Where children and young children are concerned, more emphasis is placed on security arrangements. Therefore it is important for you to be involved in the selection of products for home and pets.

Premise control products kill only the susceptible stages of fleas onWhen they are used. They are quite safe and can be used as pets as the main environmental problems in nursing homes, birds and fish. The frequency of fogging and spraying depends on the temperature and humidity, the degree of infestation of fleas, the transport of pets in and out, the effectiveness of the products used and the amount of disorder at home, that can be hidden in fleas .

Foggers are designed to cover large areas and closed, while all passengers (including SeptemberPets are) gone. They are very effective in empty rooms and crawl spaces. In homes with furniture or objects on the ground and cover are not very effective. Foggers can participate up to 80% of the problem. Get one with a growth inhibitor in it.

Remove the use of fog machines, each animal from the premises. Cover aquariums and remove all birds. Read the label before using a spray or premise spray. Because the insect growth regulator methoprene is alsosuction, vacuum or steam cleaner before and wait at least 4 days after the fogging of a vacuum. Foggers are pretty much gone after 10-15 vacuum cleaner.

Put your dollars into growth inhibitor products for effective and economical results.

Premise sprays are designed to treat the place or inaccessible areas and areas that do not like a dog house or enclosed veranda. Use premise sprays the baseboards, under furniture and between the sofaPillow and mattress to the water's edge.

These products last 2-3 months, are not pumped out more easily (last intake for 20-30) and are very good for high traffic areas and are always protected. These products are broken down and become ineffective by the rays of the sun. Use it to retouch in well-traveled roads in the house where you can empty more often. Do not forget to take care of your car when traveling with your pets (even once the vet.) The productgood and effective use of your dollars.

Spray and breeding site for outdoor use and are used according to manufacturer's recommendations. Most fleas live within 30 feet of the building - where the animals spend most of their time. These sprays can be purchased from your veterinarian offices, pet stores, online or at local garden.

Nematodes that eat flea larvae: Some years ago I wore a natural product of nematodes to sprinkle your lawn, it wouldkill flea larvae. It would be a great product, if it was effective. Violations of this product were that had to be kept too wet, expiration dates are short, it is expensive, and you can not go far. If any of you out there a good product like this has been found, it might be, please let me know!

Spray malathion and Sevin are the most common for the court, but get inactivated by sunlight and will last no more than 3-7 days. Spray once the sun has set, and if youWe know that it does not rain for a day or two.

Cleaning can be extremely effective flea control measure. Aspiration is the flea eggs, pupae and the flea feces, eliminating the larvae for food. Empty little 'flea powder or add a piece of flea collar to each new bag or burn the trash to empty fleas to complete their life cycle of the compost pile or garbage bag to prevent. Vacuuming every day is essential if you do not want to use chemicals. Also get rid of carpet in yourHouse helps a lot. I would also recommend an occasional starter shampoo carpets (not dry chemical), as the cocoons.

A note about worms: When fleas (or mice) are absorbed by your pet the tapeworm (tapeworm) has allowed to finish its life cycle. If you stick to rice-sized segments of the hair around the rectum of your pet or see the segments or "ribbon or thread-like" worms in the stool or animals on the bed, you should contact your veterinarian for a drugto be treated. Over-the-counter medications only treat worm nematodes (roundworms) and are not effective against tapeworm. Deworming may also be necessary every three weeks (the life cycle of the tapeworm) depending on the severity of the flea problem.

If you have any questions (especially for large dogs that can be very expensive to worm) in a fresh stool sample to bring to an IPO. The floatation may not show eggs, even if your pet has worms.

My recommendation is that your wormPets with fleas if you see a good tapeworm (I use Cestex) and the worm twice a year with pyrantel (Strongid-T, or as Nemexia) nematode. Piperzine is useless these days for roundworming and no longer works at all in cats. The doses of food are ineffective.

If you have at home and worming will try to use them first, call your veterinarian. We must be the chemical name (scientific name) is able to tell if you have the right medication, you know.

NEVERwalk into a store bought wormer, a sick animal, unless your veterinarian is consulted. You can have some serious problems - especially with three on the worms. I once had a relative's dog wormer pregnant a triple. The dog pays so much that her uterus burst and she died.

Diatomaceous earth: Not all diatoms (DE) is the same. Stay away from types of filtration. All DE that is used for filtration (pools, spas, etc.) that has undergone a chemical treatment and thermal. Heat treatmentincreases the percentage of crystalline silica, which poses a serious risk by inhalation. DE has a high crystalline silica content and some DE has high concentrations of arsenic in it. Our local organic people recommend Perma-Guard ( To use another brand, which is certainly Biconet. DE untreated to be used for insect control.

How does DE work? The dust clogs their respiratory system, in order to suffocate. Unfortunately, it can also lead to symptoms of asthmadeteriorate.

Clean with soap and water and fresh water bleach is very effective for flea control in homes without carpets. Many of my clients with pets flea allergy inhalant allergies in children and, finally, switching to wood floors and linoleum.

Flea attractive lights. What noise. Do not waste your money on this gimmick. White plates filled with water and detergent Joy: I suspect that if you win fleas, these types of devices that have a severe infestationshould think about doing something to make a little 'more efficient.

Well, I hope this helps the problem of fleas. Good luck! You'll need it.

© 2005 by Dr. M. Denice Moffat

Flea Control Strategies

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