Friday, July 8, 2011

Dehumidifiers Energy saving - Tips for cutting moisture without breaking the bank

It seems that almost everyone has basement moisture problems. Where did all that water?

Moisture can come to your home course in the spring air, or in summer, through open windows and doors, or loss, if the heat or air conditioning is running. For example, poorly sealed windows and doors, cracks in the wall of the external plaster in old houses, cracks in the ceiling upstairs, or poorly sealed loft hatches are all sources of unwanted outside air. Allair from the house, like a wood fire, kitchen fans suck, gas water heater or an oven at low or medium efficiency also push the air through these areas recently sealed.

Humidity Control

This possibility, you can cut the humidity, is to limit the flow of fresh air, especially in case of rain. This is not only to reduce moisture problems, but will save on heating and cooling bills as well.

Water can penetrate through the basement walls from the outside. It is necessary to direct surface water away, seal theOutside the base to improve drainage at the base, and can seal the interior walls as well.

Human activities such as breathing, sweating, shower and kitchen, can also humidity, when the house closed. This can be up to 20 liters of water per day to your door.

Surface water is his way down

Stagnant water in the driveway, or merger of a gutter, finds its way downhill. If porous soil around theHome or a crack between the sidewalk and the house is, the flow of water through soil or cracks to reach the water table or otherwise stopped. As soon as you can not scroll, scroll through the beginning, when filtered through your foundation.

So to avoid surface water to collect on the walls of your home. Keep gutters of leaves and correctly angled, and downspouts in order to perform their drain removed from the house. Your path should slopeaway from home, or you can keep a bead of mortar on the wall between the driveway and the house of water that collects in the driveway work his way along the foundation walls.

Gardens, lawns and other surfaces should also slope away from home, and if you have a sump pump should drain well and freely for the house.

Groundwater finds its way into

Keeping in groundwater is a bit 'difficult and can be expensive. SealingEntrepreneur can dig a ditch outside of its foundation, and apply a sealant to the outer walls below ground. They should also improve filling the trench with gravel and sand in the sewers, and can install tile drainage on the bottom to the water table to fold into the floor of the cellar.

A cheaper alternative if you are in the basement walls are exposed to stains on the walls to form a hard surface clean and free of debris or sweat minerals, and use aparging connection - a subtle mix malta - the seal on the inside of the walls to improve. This works for minor moisture problems, but no solution if you are serious damp basement are.

Reduce the production of moisture in the house

To produce the moisture you can help each cut to prevent moisture problems. You can not stop breathing, but you can cook with the lid on the pot and run the hood of boiling water, you can have shorter showers or run the fan in the bathroom whenShowers clock, and, for aquariums, indoor plants, ornamental fountains and other possible sources of moisture.

Take the humidity, but not heat

If you have problems with moisture in winter and your house is newly built and well insulated, it may be that your house is sealed too tightly. A well sealed home reduces heating costs, but if the humidity is well sealed building, as off-gas, plastics, wood, carpets and other materials that can harm your health.A heat exchanger could be a better choice than a dehumidifier, if this is your problem. Heat exchanger so that the airflow in and out of your house during the recording of much of the heat on the way out.

Energy efficient dehumidifier Fund

We try to describe how humidifiers work, their ability to judge, as energy efficient dehumidifier will be evaluated, and how to choose the best for your situation.

Dehumidifiers remove moisture from air by a compressor, condenser coils and fan.They work like refrigerators, except that its cooling power is used to condense water from air. They have a humidistat, which run until the humidity reaches a lower threshold holds together, or until the tank is full, whichever comes first.

Dehumidifiers are based on the space of production capacity - how much water from the air in a day - and fuel - how much water they have. In the United States, is designed production capacity in pints per day and is evaluatedLiters. In many other countries, the extraction liters per day and is rated in liters.

Once the tank is full, do not pull out the moisture until it is empty. If your dehumidifier placed near a basement drain, you can use a hose from the tank into the drain, so as not to empty the tank. (Most dehumidifiers have an opening for a hose.) You run a tube is not an option, make sure to buy a car with a tank of sufficient capacity.

Power FactorOpinion

The energy factor is the number of dehumidifiers liters or gallons of water from the air per kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity removed. The higher the value of power factor, the more efficient the dehumidifier. The bigger the better - in contrast to the ranking of efficiency for other types of devices.

ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers have energy factors ranging from 3.56 (the best) to 1.2 (the worst) with an average rating of 1.62. Only two manufacturers, and Therma-Stor ProductsMunters Corporation, doing dehumidifier by a factor greater than 2.2.

But remember that an assessment does not mean that the ENERGY STAR dehumidifier is very energy efficient - only low energy consumption compared to some others in its class. For example, Energy Star rated dehumidifiers have a lower energy factor of 1.2, while the highest energy factor is 2.02 and the worst thing for a non-ENERGY STAR dehumidifier is rated 1.0.

Always buy a dehumidifier that can handle the humidityin your home. They are usually not necessary pint-per-day score over 25, unless your basement is very humid and at least 1,200 square feet of space, at least 1,500 square feet and wet, damp or mold and usually (but not wet ) with at least 1,800 square meters.

On the other hand, a greater capacity for ENERGY STAR units are usually more energy due to different thresholds of a nominal capacity of the dehumidifier efficiently. So do not skimp and buy a unit of capacity is too low -overestimate underestimate that.

If your basement can be very cold to get a dehumidifier model can withstand lower temperatures. Otherwise, the icing on the coils cold basement, which will make it less efficient and can quickly lead-off cycling because of the engine. If you listen to this behavior, turn off the dehumidifier until the ice has melted and fell. If the problem persists, you may need to switch to a unit designed for cooler temperatures.

CutEnergy costs, with what you use dehumidifiers

If your basement is damp, and you run the dehumidifier to keep the doors locked in the cellar, so that the moist air to penetrate from above.

Keep your dehumidifier and fan clean and free of dust. Some dehumidifiers include a washable air filter to remove dust, if you have one, keep it clean.

If you have an old dehumidifier to replace it with a new, adequately sized dehumidifier, Energy Star rated, andManage your sources of moisture, as well as you can, you could reduce energy consumption by half or even two-thirds of what you were before you pay for the same moisture control. But more likely, you will use the energy a little 'less with a dehumidifier replacement, while the much better humidity control, or you will be more energy (if you do not have a dehumidifier), but you're much more convenient.

Considering how much evidence turns up on the health effects of indoor air humidity andWhat mold will surely benefit the humidity of your problems and the purchase of energy-efficient dehumidifiers. You can not set a price for good health!

Dehumidifiers Energy saving - Tips for cutting moisture without breaking the bank

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